Another couple of mornings spent outside and an afternoon with some me time resulted in progress on the Rose rug. I switched to my larger floor frame and not only does it give me additional working surface, but allows me to see more around the areas where I am hooking. My short arms don’t allow me to hook all the way at the top of the frame, but I can get pretty close.
Yesterday’s progress....
Finishing the big leaf, the two smaller leaves and some more background. Will move down on the rug before I move forward with hooking.
I thought of working on Liberty Periodical today. But when faced with this....
I just walked on past. I have to tackle this soon.
Jackson turned ten and we celebrated at Partners Pizza.
And I couldn’t be prouder of these two cousins.
Sara Ashley completed her Junior year of HS with High Honors (GPA of 95 or better). And Macy completed 7th grade on the all A Honor Roll and received the President’s Award. Think that they deserve some down time.
Does this seem familiar?
Take Care,
The colors in the rose rug suit my fancy!