Thursday, June 27, 2013

Words & Blooms Two

Finished Week Two of Words to Live By and Summer Blooms.  Got number four in the mail today.  I was trying really hard not to get behind, but rug camp got in the way.  Number four is pretty ambitious, too!!

Summer Blooms

Words to Live By

Today was spent in the kitchen preserving some of our garden's bounty..........12 pints of green beans and 5 quarts of squash.  Lots of work, but it will be so good come winter.

Memories of my Mama preserving veggies from my Papa's garden.
The rumble of summertime storms.
Full bellies.

Take care,


  1. I really like the design of these blocks. You are doing good at keeping up with everything even with having been away from home.

  2. Your two quilts blocks look great - I love the combination of cotton & wool! We are still WEEKS away from harvesting green beans, but I can hardly wait - they're SO much better than the cans you buy at the store, huh? I'm guessing you blanch your squash before you freeze it? Does it get pretty mushy when you cook it? (I've never tried to preserve any squash - we just like to eat it fresh)

    1. I do blanch the squash first, and they do cook down more than if fresh, but are still pretty good in the middle of winter with a little onion sauteed in them.
