The Crazies should have met today, but life got in the way. To honor the day, I worked on our Quilty Folk (Lori Holt) row quilt that we are working on as a group.
Here is where we stand....
Apples, 4-patches, butterflies and chevrons. I love the bright, happy colors.
Today I finished cutting the remainder of the quilt....a gazillion little pieces, nine more rows and a cute neatly packaged in ziplocks and ready to go. I am pretty darned pleased with myself!!
Since I haven't blogged in awhile, I have Sew Crazy Show and Tell, too.
Debi's adorable Christmas trucks.
Her Temecula 2016 quilt...stunning. Wish I had made this one!'
And this super cute Christmas quilt.

Karen's fun bicycle themed wall hanging.
Can't remember the name of this quilt, but Sandy liked the pattern so much that she made another....
This cool bright version. I love the way black makes your colors pop!
A bright and cheery charity quilt by Debi.
A Christmas tree quilt by the background color.
Another Christmas quilt by Debi using the same background...she says she had a bolt of it from long ago, and now it is in style again...LOL.
A beautifully embroidered Crabapple Hill Christmas quilt by Debi.
And a cheery Fall wall hanging, yep, by Debi. This gal can turn out some gorgeous work!!! Puts the rest of us to shame, but we surely enjoy seeing it.
Jackson's baseball tournament team, the Force, won first place in the final tournament of the Fall. Don't know who was most excited, Jackson or his parents.
Could this innocent sleepy head possibly be responsible......
For this?????
I sure am missing my wild, sweet baby girl.
Take care,