August slipped in like a thief in the night. I wasn't quite ready to turn the page on the calendar yet, but alas, time just doesn't wait. And after all, August puts us one month closer to Fall!!
Finished the "Hope" block in the
Words to Live By series. I have two more blocks to get done before the next one arrives. Whew!!
This is the last Garden Basket block. I will try to get these last three added to the original nine that are already set before the finishing kit arrives this month.
I finished the hooking on
Love Grows in the Garden tonight and added a little chicken to make it "my own". I am not sure the proportion is just right, but it is primitive........I mean, look at that big ole bird in the corner. Anyway, I am pleased to have this much done and plan to try to get it bound this month.
Tomorrow is the deadline for the caps and scarves for the Appalachian mission trip. I ended up crocheting 3 scarves and 12 caps. It sort of cut into my other projects for the month, but it just seemed a lot more important to me. Besides, I used up some stash yarn, too.
Speaking of mission projects, on Sunday Blake and I joined Matt, Ashley and family at Newnan Presbyterian Church to help package food for
Stop Hunger Now. In a two hour period, about 75 volunteers packaged 15,030 meals for needy children. Pretty amazing. I was so proud of Macy, who at age 7, was weighing the food bags and helping to seal them just like the adults! If your church is looking for a project, this one is certainly worthy of your consideration.
Today was grass cutting day. This is a job that I enjoy doing, and so, have taken it away from Blake pretty much......especially since I have learned to use the Zero Turn mower. It usually takes around 2 1/2 to 3 hours. There is something so meditative about sitting on that mower and visiting all of the grassy areas in our big yard. It is amazing to cut along the edge of the woodland and glimpse the wildlife and wildflowers that I wouldn't ordinarily see. And it gives me quiet time alone to think and praise God for the incredible world he has provided for us.
July has come and gone with several things remaining on "THE LIST". Love Grows should definitely get finished this month, and hopefully the woven scarf and Sampler quilt, also. Sally Post didn't get done at all, but will be easy to catch up. I was able to prep a block for Primitive Garden and have some more laid out to prep this month. Sometimes it is easier to prep several while I have everything out and then to work on them. The little Summertime blocks from Temecula Quilt Company will probably have to wait until they are all here for me to do more on them as the Primitive Gathering blocks have been about all I could keep up with.

I am not adding to the August list, as I know that I will be out of town for over a week along with everything else that I have going on this month........gardening, yard work, a couple of visits to my Sister's before she moves, a new stitchery class, weaving.......well, you get the drift here. At any rate, I think that this is ambitious enough for August. Anything else I might get done will just be icing on the cake.
The cousins all went to the water park a couple of weeks ago and had a great time. Despite the age differences, they always enjoy being together. I think it would have been so much fun to have had family close by to make memories with. School will be starting soon for all of them. It is hard to believe that Robert will be a Freshman at Newnan High School.
Sara Ashley and Jackson
A glimpse of a spotted fawn in the edge of our woods.
The sweet smell of freshly mowed grass.
Sleeping late.
A vision of hungry children being fed by strangers who love them.
Take care,