Typical big brother and little sister poses here:

This too cute BOM is from Primitive Gatherings and is called Basket of Blooms. The quilt is Hatched & Patched by Anni Downs, one of those incredibly talented Australian girls. It is cotton and I used IMA for the basket block. It was the first I had done in awhile, and all of those little pieces of freezer paper were a real pain to remove. I am going to have to try the starch on templar plastic method that Jo Morton recommends. Just have to order some Templar plastic.
The w/e was lovely here...........time spent working in the yard a little, and best of all, sitting on the backporch. Someone sent one of those internet getting to know you questionnaires around the other day. One of the questions was "where would you like to be if you could be anywhere right now?". My answer, hands down, is my back porch. I will post a photo of it soon!
Off to bed for now.................
My nicely organized, new sewing room "studio". It is so good to
finally, after a year, have all of my things unpacked (well, almost
all......I have to admit, that I am still working on getting a few things organized) and within my reach. It was a little shocking to realize how many things I actually have that are UFOs, and even more that are PIGS!!! And most of them are actually things that I still like and want to finish/work on. I am just not ready to turn them loose yet.......even though there are a few things that, when finished I am sure will become charity quilts. I still feel inclined to finish them. We'll see what happens. At any rate, I feel so fortunate to finally have a wonderful place to work on my projects. Sure makes it easier to be able to put my hands on what I need! I really have no more excuses to not "Just Do It".
DH has a nice "Library" adjacent to my sewing area. He is able to do his genealogy research there while I am busy stitching. We also have a family room, kitchen, dining area and bath in this basement area. It was more than worth the wait to get it done. Now, to get it decorated and furnished.......no hurry for that, though. It will get done when it gets done.