Tuesday, July 18, 2017

One to Go!!

I can hardly believe it....one rectangle to go on this long term project!

Can't tell you how happy I will be to finally get this one off the frame. I am not even going to think about blocking and binding yet...LOL.

Yesterday was clean the house and cut the grass (about 3 acres worth) day. Given my preference, it would definitely be grass cutting, where I get to ride the zero turn and zone out for a couple of hours.

I was excited that this came...

Maybe I'll get a chance to pore through it today between grand kid sitting and our quarterly Old Folks Hospital lunch! Do love Lori's happy designs.

Saw this  display from The Country Sampler in Spring Green, WI. I am in love with that sweet, simple pinwheel quilt...such soft colors.

And, for those of you who ask and so kindly keep up, Rob is home from the hospital.

Mattie says have a good day and stay out of trouble...something she seems incapable of doing.

Take Care,


  1. Wow, that looks like quite an undertaking for needlework. It's gorgeous. Congrats on having just one to go.

  2. Finally getting caught up with my blog reading!
    Did you get the last square done last evening? It is gorgeous!
    Miss Mattie looks so innocent...lol.
    Happy that Rob is home from the hospital. I keep him in my prayers.
    Hugs :)

  3. Your work is so lovely! Mattie, we should meet - I have a hard time staying out of trouble myself! Take good care!


  4. nice article great post comment information thanks for sharing
