Happy birthday dear hubby!!
What better way to start February than with the birthday of this special guy?? Blake rarely smiles in a photo, so I consider this one a treasure!
The first of the month also means that it is goal setting day. Judy over at
Patchwork Times chose #9 on our UFO list for this month. Honestly, it has been so long since I looked at this Basket quilt start that it is going to be a mystery blast from the past!! I remember that the baskets were pink & brown repro prints set on point...and that all of the blocks weren't finished. Yikes!! No time to pull it out today, but tomorrow for sure.
My other February goals...

- Finish final Lucy Boston block and work on setting
- Turn these Postage Stamp Star blocks from RSC 2015 into a top. I am choosing this one as my One Monthly Goal and linking up at Elm Street Quilts.

- Finish two blocks a week on this rug
- Keep up with my ongoing projects
That should keep me busy enough...LOL!
- A very special man to share my life with
- A clean house
- Fresh sheets to snuggle beneath.
Take Care,