Hate to bring it up again, but it is still really hot here. There has been some flash flooding around, but we have missed it all. Don't want flooding, but surely would enjoy a nice steady shower associated with some cooling. Doesn't hurt to ask..............
In the meantime, we are chilling out as much as possible. Rascal likes to chill out on his mom's leg; he is pretty possessive, but is so sweet about it I can't resist.
My daughter, Christi, and I had a little discussion about living more intentionally the other day. She has recently made some career changes and wants to live more in tune with how God would chose for us to live. It started me thinking in allot of directions.............utilization of time, resources, etc. One of the things that has really been calling to me is caring for the environment in a more responsible manner. When we moved to the country almost three years ago, I quit recycling. It just wasn't convenient.........the trash pick up service in the county doesn't pick up recyclables. That means you have to collect it and carry it to a county distribution site, which is inconvenient when you work outside the home. Poor excuse, right? So, I am slowly getting back into recycle mode. A couple of things that I had been doing all along are recycling my cans (they go to a friend whose elderly parents recycle them for cash) and pop top lids (which go to the local pediatrician's office and ultimately benefit Ronald McDonald House).

This week I started back collecting all of the other things that I should be recycling and will take time on Mondays to stop by the Recycle Collection Site.
Another thing that I am inspired to do is to start using products that are more environmentally friendly. I will gradually try to replace the things that I can as I use them up with versions that are better for the Earth ......and American made when possible; not always an easy task, and definitely requires some research. Also, some things are just not readily available in small town GA. I started last week with some "Wicked Fresh" Mouthwash from
Tom's of Maine.........pretty good stuff and a great American company. I also made some household cleanser with vinegar, water and essential lavender oil.
Sandy posted instructions for making laundry detergent and spray starch on her blog recently, and when my home is back in order I plan to give that a whirl. My magazines all get recycled to my two daughters and other friends. I am doing allot of Internet research and all suggestions are gladly considered.
Tonight Christi and I go to our first training session for October's
Atlanta South Women's Walk to Emmaus. We were both pilgrims last year and found it to be awesome and transforming. By being servants this time, we hope to be a part of impacting someone elses' lives. I am excited and a little nervous. We will serve in the kitchen, which is entry level for servants. We would appreciate your prayers as we embark on this journey, as well as prayers for the whole Emmaus community.
Didn't get any stitching done over the w/e. Just couldn't get motivated. This Saturday I have a Rug Hook-In sponsored by my wonderful teacher in Athens, Eric Sandberg, so I have to get organized for that.
In addition, we will be moving out of our home from Wednesday thru Friday (doggies go to camp at the Kennel.......not their favorite thing to do) so that the floors on our main level can get the final finish done. Have to wait on the basement due to the septic tank fiasco last week........the floors are still drying out down there. It seems that all of this will never end.
Enough of my ramblings for today,