I finally pulled the last loop on this huge runner….
It still needs to be blocked and bound, but it is nice to have it off the frame. It is a pattern from Cushing, here…. https://wcushing.com/?s=Let+us+be+silent+pattern&post_type=product
While I was packing away my St. Patty’s Day decor, I realized that I hadn’t shared that. Things are a little sparse, but this was the first year that I had decorated for this holiday. This is my (rather large) dough bowl.
This is Miss Shamrock from Pineberry Lane.
Mystery linen in what I believe is 40ct. DMC threads similar to those in the pattern photo.
A Celtic styled cross, pattern free from the internet. Mystery linen and a variegated overdyed cotton???color.

A simple wool appliquéd shamrock.
A simple wool appliquéd shamrock.
The wool applique round for the holiday.

Followed by this one….probably my favorite thus far.
Followed by this one….probably my favorite thus far.
The ladybug is a cute button from my stash.
I store the pieces that aren’t in use inside this wonderful vintage picnic basket…
And the metal stand holding each month’s round sits atop it.
Well, that’s about it for tonight.
Take Care,