April is almost done and I have only posted once. I really intend to do better; I like to blog and I don’t want to give it up. Resolve....blog more intentionally.
Here’s what happened at Sew Crazies this month....

Sandy’s cousins from North Dakota and South Dakota visited she and Luella, and were able to join us for a day of stitching.

Luella was able to be back with us.

We worked on a QOV that Debi did prep work on it in order to get us started. Did I mention that she is amazing?..and that we are so fortunate to have her as a Crazy???

I was the official presser.
Sandra was the overachiever this month.

These cute items were among the many things that she made for a bazaar.

And she made this stash buster quilt, quilting it with her embroidery machine!

Debi finished this cute quilt, including getting the quilting done.

And I got the row quilt done to flimsy stage. It looks kind of weird with the light shining behind it. So far I have met my goal of finishing a quilt top per month in 2018. They don’t have to be UFOs, but this one had become one. I love it and am thrilled that the top is now finished.
Sara Ashley had prom this month....

With some of her classmates in front of one of Newman’s historic homes.

And her beautiful hair.
Macy at her most recent cheer competition...