It is a chilly Friday afternoon here in GA........much colder than normal for this time of the year!!
I thought that restarting my venture into the blogging world on a Friday afternoon was appropriate, based on my place in life-----OVER THE HILL AND RUNNING!!!! That is the way I felt when I hit the Big 6-0 this year. There is so much more I want to do in this life and not as much time left as I had on the other side of 60, so I want to make the best of it.
I am going to be blogging about whatever I choose and pretty much whenever I get the time. And, like most of you, "whenever I get the time" is the big issue. When I tried blogging a couple of years ago, it was mostly about my stitchery. This time it is going to be about whatever comes to mind. Maybe my family, yard, pets, quilting, hooking, friends, church.........just whatever tickles my fancy at the time. I'll just have to give it a try and see what happens. My intentions are good.
For lack of being better prepared, I am just going to post a photo of a recent rug

that I finished hooking about a month ago. I designed it in a class with Susan Feller, a wonderful teacher from West Virginia. In this class, she taught us about frakturs, and then we took traditional design elements from antique frakturs, designed and color planned our own rugs. This one turned out to be one of my favorites that I have hooked so far. It is titled "Bluebird of Happiness", and represents our move into our new home.
Since this was a trial run post, I will be signing off for now.......