Sunday, December 31, 2017

Good Bye 2017

Finishing up 2017 with these three blocks.....

I finished quite a few projects this year, but would like to complete more. Right now I don’t feel inclined to make goals...perhaps later. I can say that I want to be better at following through on projects. I also want to start and complete a nice hand appliqué project. Beyond that, I will just approach things as they come.

2017 has undoubtedly been one of the most difficult years of my life. But it has also been filled with moments of great beauty. I pray that 2018 will be simpler, with fewer ups and downs and certainly without such loss. I pray that my family can be happy, make new memories and relish the old. I pray that we can continue to feel the arms of God and dear friends around us. And that we can offer some of the love we have received back to others.

I pray the best for all of you dear friends. Happy New Year!!
Take Care,


  1. Praying you and your family have a happy, healthy and robust 2018 as well.

  2. I pray that all your wishes for 2018 come true.

  3. Thank you for sharing valuable information nice post,I enjoyed reading this post.

