Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ready for the New Year

Happy New Year to all of my blog friends.  The last couple of years have given me a fresh appreciation of all of the moments that make up our lives. Love one is our mission and our gift.

This little Snowman pillow, one of the first things I ever hooked, remains one of my favorite winter pieces. Can't recall the designer, but I love the whimsy.

I am spending the night with three of the grands so that their parents can take a time out.

Blake joined us for pizza and then went home to be with the dogs at our house, but not before a little Bear dance.
This is one big puppy when you consider that Blake is 6'5"!!

My mother always said it was bad luck to leave the Christmas decorations past NY's, so I took care of that today.

This is my first knitted cap, made just before Christmas using the Magic Loop method. It isn't great, but Blake can wear it this winter to do his chores.

The finished Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt was revealed today and I love it. 
So glad I started it, even though I have only finished the first clue. Hope to find some dedicated stitching time this weekend.

Take Care,

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Healing Hug

The blue Dresden Plate found its ' forever home today.
Friend, Kelley, is in the hospital fighting the side effects of radiation in his battle against recurring brain and spinal cord cancer. Kitty said not only does he like his quilt, but it has brought him quite a bit of attention at the hospital. This is the very best part of making quilts.....the love that we pass on to others. My heart is full..... Sweet and sad. I love these wonderful people and I hate the struggle.

The rain continues here in Georgia, but we are fortunate to live on high ground. The little peek of sunshine yesterday made me yearn for more. 

Macy's cheer team won first place in their second competition. It is so much fun to see this sweet girl's self confidence blossom!!

 Rob and Sara Ashley continue to enjoy their hunting days together.  Shooting a deer is really secondary.

Enjoy the moments, for the moments are our lives.

Take care,

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Flock Update

It has been awhile since the flock had 
an update. Our current count is eleven hens and a rooster. We were gifted with four Marans back in September (by Blake's cousin, who raises them).....Pearl, Regina, Bo and Eunice.

Bobbie, our oldest hen, remains Miss Photogenic.
Mattie and Scarlett
Ronnie the Roo and Puff
In search of bugs.
Feeding frenzy.

These pampered ladies have been on strike for over two months....the result of shorter days, moulting and youth. Finally, we were rewarded with these eggs for five days in a row. I believe they were produced by one of the new girls, as they look a bit different from any of our other eggs. Maybe the others will get the idea.

 Take care,

I Succumbed

Last year I passed it by because the colors were so out of my box that I couldn't pull them from stash. This year I just couldn't let it go. I thought I might, but no....I bit the bullet and started Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt, Allietaire, tonight.  Yes, despite the ten million UFOs awaiting my attention.

Forget the fact that she just published Clue 5, and I am just starting. I did pull the fabrics from my stash when she first announced them....

And I added the gray constant and 1/2 yard each of red and gold the week before Christmas...,
I was pleased that I would be using lots of stash, and I like the colors this year.
And even though I haven't started (as many folks admit that they haven't either), I have been following the FB group and gleaning some wonderful tips that will help me with this quilt and quilting in general. There are all levels of quilters in the group, and no question is too fundamental.

I have 160 of the required 294 half square triangles in Clue 1 finished. And they measure 2". Woohoo!!!
Off to stitch a few more before bedtime.

Ain't it the truth LOL...

Take care,

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Almost a New Year

December has been full and busy and mostly good. I have had difficulty making the time to blog. My motivation has been almost non-existent. I have decided to try a new approach......shorter but more consistent posts. Blogging is important to me. We shall see......

We had beautiful family time over Christmas. And I finished Rob's Christmas quilt just in time.

The doggies got new toys....

Today Blake and I just vegged, as we are both fighting bronchitis. I think we really needed a day of rest.

 Take care,

Friday, December 4, 2015


It has been over a month since I last posted. I have done many things, some of which I could talk about here and some not. The reality is, that I have spent the last month loving my family, coming to grips with a difficult reality, and finally moving forward again.

Those of you who have followed my blog may remember that my dear son in law was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, a Goliath of a brain tumor, back in August, 2013. With surgery, radiation and ongoing chemotherapy, he fought off this Goliath for 26 months. In October there was s spot on his MRI; in November it had doubled in size. On November 11th, he underwent a second brain surgery to remove the new tumor. The tumor has been sent for genetic biomarker testing, something not available at the time of his initial surgery, and the results will hopefully lead us to a therapy that will keep this monster at bay. Our family covets your prayers for Rob, Christi, Robert and Sara Ashley.

On a brighter note, Rob is feeling great and back to all of his normal activities except shooting, and that will come.

I have completed several projects and will try to get some photos to share in the next couple of days.  I do have one photo...

This is the TGV Shawl from a pattern on Ravelry. The fun yarn is Crazy Zauberball in a blue, green and aqua combo which I bought at a yarn shop in Knoxville, TN. I am making mine a bit larger to accommodate for my wide shoulders, and am almost ready to start the ribbing.

Take Care,